Keynote speech for the United Nations Office for Counter-Terrorism

At the invitation of the United Nations Office for Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), PREVEX-researcher Steven Blockmans (Director of Research at CEPS) delivered the keynote speech at a virtual event held on 29 April which was devoted to learning lessons from European PVE strategies.

The webinar offered an opportunity to share with more than 50 specialised policy officers from across the UN system (at HQ and in the field) the preliminary findings drawn from the policy papers produced in the context of Work Package 4 of the PREVEX project. Hosted by Dr. Jehangir Khan, Director of the UN Counter-Terrorism Centre at UNOCT, the discussion revolved around the potential of upscaling best practices gleaned from EU member states’ experiences with PVE. Dr. Khan praised the multidisciplinary approach by PREVEX researchers in critically yet constructively assessing PVE strategies and practices inside the EU and in European efforts to assist countries in the Western Balkans and the MENA region.

Steven Blockmans

Steven Blockmans

Centre for European Policy Studies

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