Gilad Ben-Nun


Ben-Nun is a Senior Researcher at Leipzig University’s Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe), where he teaches Global Studies and the History of International Law.

Previously, he was a Marie Curie Individual Fellow at the International Law Department of Verona University, a Ford Foundation Research Fellow at UNIDIR, and a UN Middle East Program Officer.

He has published the book Seeking Asylum in Israel: Refugees and the History of Migration Law (I.B. Tauris, 2017), which was nominated for the 2017 US National Jewish book award.

Selected publications

  • Ben-Nun, G. (2020) The Fourth Geneva Convention for Civilians. The History of International Humanitarian Law. London: I.B. Tauris. 288pp.
  • Ben-Nun, G. (2019) ‘Treaty after trauma: protection for all in the Fourth Geneva Convention.’ In A. Ciampi History and International Law. An Intertwined Relationship. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. pp. 103-134.
  • Ben-Nun, G. (2019) ‘Antidotes to Extremism. Africa’s Refugee Hospitality Paradigm.’ In F. Onditi, G. Ben-Nun, C. D’Alessandro, Z. Levey Contemporary Africa and the Foreseeable World Order. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 113-132.