Stefan Troebst


Troebst has been a Professor of East European Cultural Studies at the University of Leipzig since 1999, as well as the director of the M.A. program European Studies. He is also the Deputy Director of the Leipzig Centre for the History and Culture of East-Central Europe (GWZO). He holds a PhD in Russian and East European History and Slavic Studies from the Free University of Berlin, Germany.

Troebst’s fields of research are international and interethnic relations in modern Eastern Europe, as well as the comparative cultural history of contemporary Europe. His current research focuses on Eastern Europe’s impact on the development of international public law, cultures of remembrance and politics of history in post-dictatorial Europe, and regionalizing concepts in historical research.

Selected publications

  • Troebst, S. (2017) ‘European History.’ In D. Mishkova and B. Trencsényi (eds.) European Regions and Boundaries: A Conceptual History. London: Berghahn Books. pp. 235-257.
  • Troebst, S. (2015) West-östliche Europastudien. Rechtskultur, Kulturgeschichte Geschichtspolitik [West-Eastern European Studies. Legal Culture, Cultural History, Politics of History.] Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag. 318pp.