In the aftermath of 9/11, the world witnessed a surge in violent extremist attacks and focused extensively on the groups behind them. However, despite the increasing number of such attacks globally, there is a significant portion of people who...
Newsletter #5 2022
Editorial The Russian war on Ukraine is devastating for the people of Ukraine. Still, the combined economic consequences of the war and the sanction regime imposed by Western powers are also felt in the regions where PREVEX is working....
Rethinking radicalisation and resilience in Mali and the Sahel
What does resilience against radicalisation and violent extremism look like in Mali and the Sahel? And which drivers are present for the spread of extremism? Mali has faced several massive crises in the last decades. The country has experienced...
10th Meeting of the Special Envoys for the Sahel
The 10th Meeting of the Special Envoys for the Sahel took place in Casa África, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) on March 16-17, 2022. The meeting, entitled “Lessons learned from our partnership and proposals for the future...
PREVEX at the Fragility Forum 2022: Development and Peace in Uncertain Times
The Fragility Forum is a biennial event that brings together policymakers and practitioners from humanitarian, development, peace and security communities; public and private sector; academia; and civil society, exchanging innovative ideas and knowledge to improve development approaches in fragile,...
Preventing violent extremism: North Africa and the Sahel
Photo: United Nations Photo/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. Presented here are two recent deliverables from PREVEX, a working paper on enabling environments, drivers, and occurrence/non-occurrence of violent extremism in North Africa and the Sahel, and a policy brief summarizing lessons learnt...