Photo: Kyle Wagaman/CC BY-NC-SA 2.0. Presented here are two recent PREVEX publications from Work Package 8, a cross-regional background study and a policy brief comparing the EU and other stakeholders’ prevention strategy towards violent extremism in the Balkans and...
Preventing violent extremism: North Africa and the Sahel
Photo: United Nations Photo/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. Presented here are two recent deliverables from PREVEX, a working paper on enabling environments, drivers, and occurrence/non-occurrence of violent extremism in North Africa and the Sahel, and a policy brief summarizing lessons learnt...
Moderate Islamist Parties in the MENA Region and Europe
In June, Djallil Lounnas (Al Akhawayn University) published a book chapter, entitled “Moderate Islamist Parties in the MENA Region and Europe: Between the Democracy-Human Rights and the Stability-Security Nexus” and was published in the Routledge Handbook of EU-Middle East Relations edited...
The EU and preventing violent extremism in North Africa
What is the role of the EU in preventing violent extremism in North Africa? SSSA and AUI organised a public webinar to disseminate and discuss the findings of PREVEX WP6 first deliverable, the Policy Brief on “EU and other...
Policy briefs: EU and other stakeholder’s PVE strategies
Presented here are three policy briefs summarising the EU and other stakeholders’ prevention strategies towards violent extremism in the Balkans, North Africa and the Sahel, and the Middle East. What are the dominant external approaches and narratives behind the...
The Jihadist movement and the Hirak in Algeria
In this paper in the French journal Sécurité Globale, PREVEX researcher Djallil Lounnas, drawing on interviews conducted in June 2019 in Algeria, explores how the AQIM in Algeria reacted to the Hirak and actually did not manage to benefit...