Photo: Kyle Wagaman/CC BY-NC-SA 2.0. Presented here are two recent PREVEX publications from Work Package 8, a cross-regional background study and a policy brief comparing the EU and other stakeholders’ prevention strategy towards violent extremism in the Balkans and...
Preventing violent extremism: the Middle East
Photo: hovic – old aleppo album/CC BY-SA 2.0. Presented here are two recent PREVEX deliverables, a working paper on enabling environments, drivers, and occurrence/non-occurrence of violent extremism in the Middle East, and a policy brief summarizing lessons learnt on the EU’s...
Preventing violent extremism: the Balkans
Photo: BY 2.0. Presented here are two recent PREVEX deliverables from Work Package 5, a working paper on the drivers of violent extremism in the Western Balkans, and a policy brief summarizing lessons learnt on the EU’s prevention measures...
Preventing violent extremism: North Africa and the Sahel
Photo: United Nations Photo/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. Presented here are two recent deliverables from PREVEX, a working paper on enabling environments, drivers, and occurrence/non-occurrence of violent extremism in North Africa and the Sahel, and a policy brief summarizing lessons learnt...
Field work and Violent Extremism
In October 2021, Morten Bøås (NUPI) published the policy brief “Field Work and Violent Extremism” with the Atlantic Initiative (NGO), addressing some of the most serious challenges associated with conducting field work in environments characterized by violent extremism. There...
Governance, Fragility and Insurgency in the Sahel: A Hybrid Political Order in the Making
On 9 December 2021, at Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in Rome, PREVEX-researchers Francesco Strazzari, Luca Raineri (both Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, SSSA, Italy), Abdoul Wahab Cissè (the Alliance for Rebuilding Governance in Africa, ARGA), Morten Bøås, Alessio Illocchi...